Terminal Aesthetics: Enhance Your Termux Looks with These 5 Packages 🔥

Hey everyone, 🙋🏻‍♂️, it's SaadMaqsood back with another Termux gem! 🙌 During my Termux adventures, I stumbled upon some packages that not only enhance the functionality but also bring a dash of visual flair to our beloved terminal. Ever thought of making your Termux session look like it's straight out of a Hollywood movie? Or perhaps you fancy a game of Tetris, right within your terminal? Well, you're in for a treat! In this post, I'll guide you through five visually captivating Termux packages that will not only elevate your terminal game but also make your sessions downright mesmerizing. Trust me, after this, your Termux experience will never be the same again. Let's dive in! 🔥.

Terminal Aesthetics: Enhance Your Termux Looks with These 5 Packages 🔥

This is the list of 5 termux aesthetic packages that I love. They all are awesome, and you should use them to make your termux look more appealing to your eyes. ✨

1. Hollywood:

Hollywood is more than just a name; it's an experience. This package simulates a Hollywood-style hacker terminal, complete with simulated system logs, command outputs, and visual effects that emulate the iconic cinematic portrayal of hacking scenes.


pkg install hollywood


Simply run the
command in your Termux session to immerse yourself in a simulated hacker environment. Enjoy the dynamic visuals and simulated terminal activities that bring the Hollywood hacker aesthetic to life.

2. Pipes.sh

Pipes.sh is a mesmerizing terminal screensaver that simulates an intricate network of pipes through which water flows. Watch as the water flows through the pipes, creating a soothing and visually captivating effect.


pkg install pipes.sh


Execute the
command to launch the screensaver. Sit back and enjoy the hypnotic flow of water through the interconnected pipes, creating a tranquil and visually appealing display.

3. Nyancat

Nyancat seamlessly integrates the beloved Pop-Tart cat animation into the Termux environment. As you initiate it, behold the delightful spectacle of Nyancat in motion, gracefully traversing your terminal screen. Each stride is accompanied by a mesmerizing rainbow trail, adding a burst of color and whimsy to your command-line interface.


pkg install nyancat


Run the 
command to unleash the animated Nyancat in your terminal. Enjoy the whimsical journey as Nyancat soars across the screen, leaving a trail of rainbow colors behind.

4. Vitetris

Vitetris brings the classic Tetris experience to your Termux terminal. Navigate falling blocks, clear lines, and score points in this nostalgic rendition. With escalating levels and intuitive gameplay, it's a must-try for Tetris enthusiasts seeking retro charm in a terminal setting.


pkg install vitetris



Launch Vitetris by executing the 

command. Navigate and rotate the falling blocks to complete lines and earn points. Enjoy the timeless gameplay of Tetris in a terminal setting.

5. Figlet

Figlet stands out as a multifaceted tool tailored for crafting intricate ASCII art banners and intricate text designs. Its versatility shines through its expansive collection of fonts and diverse styles, granting users the creative freedom to morph plain text into visually captivating ASCII masterpieces. Whether you're aiming for bold and dramatic lettering or intricate and ornate designs, Figlet offers the tools and flexibility to bring your textual visions to life in the realm of ASCII art.


pkg install figlet


Use the figlet command followed by your desired text to create ASCII art banners. 
figlet "Hacking Is What I Live For"
Experiment with different fonts and styles to customize your text designs and add a creative flair to your terminal output.


In wrapping up this visual journey through Termux, we've delved into a realm where aesthetics meet functionality. These packages not only spruce up your terminal's appearance but also offer unique experiences that can transform mundane tasks into delightful endeavors. Whether you're chasing the rainbow with Nyancat or navigating the challenging terrains of Vitetris, each package brings its own flavor to the Termux table. As with any new addition to your Termux toolkit, there might be a learning curve, but persistence pays off. Master those commands, explore the nuances, and make these packages your own. Got feedback or insights to share? Drop them in the comments below. Until next time, keep exploring, stay curious, and as always, Stay Ethical 👾.

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