Termux Ranger : A GUI based Termux File Manager 📂

Hey everyone 🙋🏻‍♂️, it's SaadMaqsood here! You know how deeply I'm immersed in the Termux world and how crucial it is for me to have a seamless and efficient workflow. I've always been on the lookout for tools that can amplify my productivity and make my Termux experience even more enjoyable. That's when I stumbled upon Termux Ranger, a GUI-based file manager designed specifically for Termux users like us. Imagine having the convenience of a graphical interface right within your Termux environment, allowing you to navigate, manage, and organize your files with ease. It's like having the best of both worlds - the power of the command line and the simplicity of a graphical interface. Stick around as I dive deep into the features and functionalities of Termux Ranger, helping you harness its full potential and elevate your Termux experience to new heights. 🔥

Termux Ranger : A GUI based Termux File Manager

What is Termux Ranger package?

Termux Ranger is a file manager tool specifically designed for the Termux application, bridging the gap between a command-line interface and a graphical user interface. It provides Termux users with a visually intuitive way to navigate, manage, and organize files and directories directly within their Termux environment. With Termux Ranger, users can perform various file operations, such as copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files, as well as viewing file contents and setting file permissions, all through a user-friendly and accessible interface.

Termux ranger

Unlike traditional command-line file managers, Termux Ranger offers a more streamlined and efficient workflow, allowing users to perform complex file management tasks with ease and convenience. It integrates seamlessly with Termux, leveraging its powerful capabilities to provide a comprehensive file management solution tailored for Termux users. Whether you're a seasoned Termux user looking to optimize your workflow or a newcomer exploring the possibilities of mobile Linux environments, Termux Ranger offers a versatile and user-friendly tool to enhance your file management experience in Termux.

How to install Termux ranger tool in Termux?

Installing Termux Ranger in your Termux environment is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. Here's a detailed guide to help you install Termux Ranger and start using it to manage your files more efficiently:

1. Update Package Repositories: 

Before installing any new packages, it's a good practice to update your package repositories to ensure you have the latest information about available packages and their dependencies. Run the following command to update the package repositories:

pkg update

2. Install Termux Ranger: 

Once the package repositories are updated, you can proceed to install Termux Ranger using the following command:

pkg install ranger

This command will download and install the Termux Ranger package along with its dependencies. You may be prompted to confirm the installation by entering 'y' when prompted.

How to use Termux-ranger tool?

termux-ranger offers a variety of features to help you manage your files more efficiently within the Termux environment. Here is how you can use it efficiently. 

1. Launching Termux Ranger:

To launch Termux Ranger, simply open your Termux terminal and type the following command:


Press Enter, and Termux Ranger will start, displaying its interface within the terminal window.

2. Navigating the Interface:

Once Termux Ranger is launched, you'll see a two-pane interface, with the left pane displaying the file and directory hierarchy and the right pane displaying the contents of the currently selected directory or file.

Use the arrow keys to navigate through the file and directory hierarchy in the left pane and select files or directories to view their contents in the right pane.

3. Performing File Operations:

To perform file operations, such as copying, moving, renaming, or deleting files and directories, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

yy or Y: Copy the selected file or directory.

pp or P: Paste the copied file or directory.

dd or D: Delete the selected file or directory.

cc or C: Create a new directory.

mm or M: Rename the selected file or directory.

Navigate to the desired file or directory using the arrow keys, and use the appropriate keyboard shortcut to perform the desired operation.

4. Viewing File Contents:

Termux Ranger allows you to view the contents of files directly within the terminal using its built-in text editor. To view the contents of a file, navigate to the desired file using the arrow keys and press Enter. This action will open the file in the right pane, displaying its contents in a readable format. You can scroll through the file, search for specific text, and make minor edits using the text editor's features, providing a convenient way to inspect and modify files within the Termux environment.


In the dynamic realm of Termux utilities, where efficiency and simplicity reign supreme, Termux Ranger emerges as an indispensable ally for users seeking a seamless file management experience. It's more than just a file manager—it's a gateway to enhanced productivity and organization within the Termux environment. Gone are the days of navigating complex command-line interfaces or juggling multiple tools to perform basic file operations. With Termux Ranger, users are empowered with a user-friendly interface and intuitive keyboard shortcuts that streamline file management tasks with ease. Consider Termux Ranger as your trusted companion, simplifying file management and optimizing your workflow in Termux. As I continue to explore and discover more about this tool, I invite you to share your insights and suggestions in the comments section below. Your feedback is invaluable, and I'm committed to enhancing this resource to better serve the Termux community. If you found this post helpful, be sure to explore other insightful guides and resources on my blog. Thanks for joining me on this journey, and remember, Stay Ethical👾.

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